From Soil to Fruit
- Glossary
- Molecule
A molecule is two or more atoms joined together, and with an overall neutral charge. (An overall positive or negative charge would make that molecule a molecular ion, or just ion for short.)
Molecules can have any number of atoms more than one.
The simplest molecules have two atoms. These two atoms can be of the same element, such as hydrogen gas (H2) or oxygen gas (O2). The two atoms can also be of two different elements, such as carbon monoxide (CO).
Very large molecules are called macromolecules, and proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates are all biological examples of these. The largest human protein, titin, has 539,022 atoms and is over one micrometre long, larger than some bacteria! Its formula is C169,719H270,466N45,688O52,238S911.
About the Author

BSc(Hons), U.Syd. - double major in biochemistry and microbiology, with honours in microbiology
PhD, U.Syd - soil microbiology
Stumbled into IT and publishing of all things.
Discovered jujube trees and realised that perhaps I should have been an agronomist...
So I combined all the above passions and interests into this website and its blog and manuals, on which I write about botany, soil chemistry, soil microbiology and biochemistry - and yes, jujubes too!
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