Jujube Cultivars

Online Direct to You - and Local Pick-Up Welcome Too!

“You are the best customer service I’ve seen in my 17 years in Australia!”- Alex P.

All trees are grafted and flower in spring.
Fruit develops over summer for harvest in late summer-late autumn.

Potted trees are available year-round or until sold. They will be leafy between spring and autumn, and leafless in winter when dormant.
Bare-rooted trees are sent/picked up without soil and when dormant (no leaves) in August/September 2025.


After-purchase support included.

Unique, stylish and highly personalised
gift certificates also available.

Available Cultivars

Admiral Wilkes
Admiral Wilkes
Admiral Wilkes Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Admiral Wilkes is an elongated fruit tooth-like in shape like Silverhill.
Very late-season ripening.
Best processed or dried.

Delivered bare-rooted and dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Chico Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Chico is a round fruit, flattened on the bottom like little pumpkins.
Early to mid-season ripening.
Excellent for fresh (when mostly brown) and dried eating.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

GA 866
GA 866
GA 866 Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
GA 866 is a large ovoid-shaped fruit about 5 cm long, and with a very high sugar content
Mid to late-season ripening.
Good for both fresh eating and drying.

Delivered bare-rooted and dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Honey Jar
Honey Jar
Honey Jar Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Honey Jar is small but with a very juicy crunchy taste.
Very early-season ripening.
Excellent for both fresh eating and drying.

Delivered bare-rooted and dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Lang Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Lang is a large pear-shaped fruit similar to Ta-Jan.
Mid to late-season ripening.
Fairly good for fresh eating if fully red/brown, but is best dried. Very good for processing.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Li Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Li is large, round, and sweet, up to 85g.
Early ripening, thus good for areas with short seasons.
Best eaten fresh, when around 50% brown.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Li #2
Li #2
Li #2 Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Li #2 is very similar to Li, but has a slightly later season of two-four weeks.
Early to mid-season ripening.
Best eaten fresh, when around 50% brown.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Porterville Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Porterville is like Chico in shape and taste, but larger and with lobes like a pumpkin.
Early to mid-season ripening.
Good for both fresh eating and drying.

Delivered bare-rooted and dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Redlands Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Redlands is a large, sweet, round fruit, and one of the Li family.
Mid-season ripening.
Best eaten fresh, when around 50% brown.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Shanxi-Li Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Shanxi-Li is a large, round, sweet fruit, one of the Li family and from the Shanxi province of China.
Early ripening, thus good for areas with short seasons.
Best eaten fresh, when around 50% brown.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Sherwood (a Thornless Tree)
Sherwood (a Thornless Tree)
Sherwood Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Sherwood is a large, sweet fruit on a thornless tree.
Late-season ripening.
Good for both fresh eating and drying.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Si-Hong Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Si-Hong is a large round fruit.
Mid-season ripening.
Excellent for fresh eating, but also good processed or dried.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Silverhill (Tigertooth Late)
Silverhill (Tigertooth Late)
Silverhill (Tigertooth Late) Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Silverhill is an elongated fruit tooth-like in shape, like a molar. Also known as Tigertooth, so I call this ‘Tigertooth Late’ to avoid confusion with ‘Tiger Tooth Early’. (Note also the difference in spelling of ‘Tiger Tooth’ vs ‘Tigertooth’.)
Very late-season ripening.
Very sweet and best for fresh eating.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Sugar Cane is a medium-sized, sweet and crunchy fruit.
Mid-season ripening.
Excellent for both fresh eating and drying.

Delivered bare-rooted and dormant (without leaves) 2025.
How to order…

Suimen (also known as Shuimen)
Suimen (also known as Shuimen)
Suimen/Shuimen Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Suimen is a somwhat brick-shaped fruit with rounded edges.
Mid-season ripening.
Good for fresh eating, but better when dried.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Ta-Jan Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Ta-Jan is a large pear-shaped fruit similar to Lang.
Mid to late-season ripening.
Fairly good for fresh eating if fully red/brown, but is best dried. Very good for processing.

Potted trees available for pick-up or courier POA. Bare-rooted available to order, delivered dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

Tiger Tooth Early
Tiger Tooth Early
Tiger Tooth Early Jujube Tree


Description of Fruit:
Tiger Tooth Early is a long wide oval shape more incisor-like than Silverhill, which is molar-shaped and also known as Tigertooth. (I call ‘Silverhill’ ‘Tigertooth Late’ so as to avoid confusion with ‘Tiger Tooth Early’ —note too the difference in spelling of ‘Tiger Tooth’ vs ‘Tigertooth’.)
Quite sweet, similar to Honey Jar.
Early-season ripening.
Excellent for both fresh eating and drying.

Delivered bare-rooted and dormant (without leaves) 2025.

How to order…

How To Order


ORDER ONLINE HERE for pick-up, or simply get in touch.

For a courier quote please make contact.

After-purchase support included.


and lock in price of tree(s) and cost of delivery by paying fully upfront.

After-purchase support included.


Prefer to put down a 20% deposit only for now? (Balance not due until ready to ship.)
Request an invoice by email — please advise name, delivery postal address, and the tree(s) you wish to order.

After-purchase support included.

Unique, stylish and highly personalised
gift certificates also available.

Bare-rooted trees are:

  • $125ea plus shipping
    shipping is per order, not per tree.
    For the vast majority of orders (six trees or less, and not requiring a courier) this will be:
    • $27 to Sydney
    • $37 to regional NSW and all ACT
    • $37 to metro Queensland and metro Victoria
    • $40 to regional Victoria
    • $47 - $65 to regional Queensland
  • grafted onto rootstock,
  • about knee-height (will vary tree-to-tree, but typically from 40 to 60 cm from tip of tree to end of roots),
  • delivered bare-rooted and dormant (no leaves)

Larger orders of mostly hip-height trees sent via courier can be arranged — please enquire with your requirements.

We deliver to the ACT, NSW, Queensland and Victoria, but not within the Pest Free Area (PFA) of NSW and Victoria owing to quarantine restrictions.
We also do not deliver to Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania or Western Australia owing to quarantine restrictions.

Delivered Bare-Rooted and Dormant

These are representative of what your trees will look like (and yes, the ‘Li’ tag does have a larger font than the others!).

Shown here are a Li (right, about 35 cm from tip to root ends), a Silverhill (left, about 50 cm from tip to root ends) and a Shanxi-Li (middle, about 60 cm from tip to root ends).

This does not mean that all Lis are the smallest — any cultivar could be any length within this range.

Don’t be put off by their pathetic appearance here! Once they come out of dormancy they can really get growing — as shown here.

Examples of bare-rooted jujube trees

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